Soulsisters – Thankful

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Delivery Time 1 - 14 Business days

Limitierter Auflage 20/20 Stück je Größe.
Limited edition of 20/20 pieces in each size.


Aus meiner AbstractAi Serie. Die Werke dieser Serie.laden Sie dazu ein, in ihre vielschichtige Welt einzutauchen. Lassen Sie sich von der Poesie der Veränderung inspirieren, erleben Sie die Harmonie zwischen verschiedenen Formen der Kreativität. Jedes Stück repräsentiert nicht nur einen Moment der Transformation, sondern auch die Einzigartigkeit des Augenblicks, in dem unterschiedliche künstlerische Ausdrucksformen sich vereinen.

From my AbstractAi series. The works in this series invite you to immerse yourself in their multi-layered world. Be inspired by the poetry of change, experience the harmony between different forms of creativity. Each piece represents not only a moment of transformation, but also the uniqueness of the moment in which different forms of artistic expression come together.

Recognition | BBA Galerie Berlin One Shot Award

Created with Sketch.

Established to give industry accessibility to aspiring photographers and an opportunity to build their portfolio, the One Shot Award looks beyond prior photography experience. Instead, the Award places merit on a photographer’s capability to communicate a unique vision. Technical expertise matters less than the crucial values of storytelling, visual concepts, creative ideas, abstraction and artistic sensibilities. The One Shot Award showcases the photographers currently contributing a fresh perspective to contemporary photography. 

This iteration of the One Shot Award stands on its own, featuring a wide variety of approaches and techniques for visual expression. All spectrums of contemporary photography can be found within this exhibition, captured by a selection of photographers from all over the world. While there is considerable range in subject matter present in the showcase; many of the works deal with environmental anxieties, alienation, identity, ambience and the conscious mind.

Größen | Sizes

Created with Sketch.

Erhältlich in drei Größen:
DIN A2 (420 x 594 mm)  |  DIN A1 (594 x 841 mm)  |  DIN A0 (841 x 1189 mm)

Available in three sizes: 
DIN A2 (420 x 594 mm)  |  DIN A1 (594 x 841 mm)  |  DIN A0 (841 x 1189 mm)


Created with Sketch.

Alle Plakate werden auf kräftiges Premium Baumwoll Papier gedruckt.
All posters are printed on strong premium cotton paper

Versand | Shipping

Created with Sketch.

Alle Plakate werden in einer Rolle versendet.
All Prints are shipped in a roll.