Zeitgenössische Kunst – kleine Gemälde 

Contemporary art - small paintings

"Fly High" 2023

Mixed Media Painting on canvas. Size: 50 x 60 cm. 
Framed wood | white.


"A Scent of Summer 01" 2024

Material: Mixed media, acrylics, pastels and collage on stretched canvas. Semi Gloss varnish. Size: 50 cm x 60 cm x 2cm

Preis: 600 € inkl. MwSt.
Price: 600 € incl. vat.

"A Scent of Summer 02" 2024

Material: Mixed media, acrylics, pastels and collage on stretched canvas. Semi Gloss varnish. Size: 50 cm x 60 cm x 2cm

Preis: 600 € inkl. MwSt.
Price: 600 € incl. vat.

"Layers of Life" 2019 

Material: Mixed media, acrylics, ink and collage on stretched canvas. Glossy varnish. Size: 60 cm x 60 cm x 4,5 cm

„Dieses Werk zeigt mehrere Schichten und komplexe Texturen, erreicht durch eine Technik des wiederholten Auftragens und dann Abziehens von Materialschichten. Es ist ein einzigartiges und besonderes Einzelstück von mir, das ich für seine Mischung aus Rauheit und Schönheit liebe." 

"This piece shows multiple layers and intricate textures, achieved through a technique of repeatedly applying and then peeling off material layers. It's a very unique and special artwork of mine that I love for its blend of roughness and beauty."

Preis: 845 € inkl. MwSt.
Price: 845 € incl. vat.

"Take a leap of faith" 2019

70 cm x 70 cm x 4 cm
Material: Acrylics on stretched canvas
Mat varnish.

Preis: 845 € inkl. MwSt.
Price: 845 € incl. vat.

"Angel heart" 2018

60 cm x 60 cm x 4 cm
Material: Acrylics and pencil on stretched canvas
Medium glossy varnish

Preis: 720 € inkl. MwSt.
Price: 720 € incl. vat.

"We belong together 01" 2020

40 cm x 50 cm x 4,5 cm
Material: Acrylics, collage and mixed media on stretched canvas 
Matt varnish.

"We belong together 02" 2020

40 cm x 50 cm x 4,5 cm
Material: Acrylics, collage and mixed media on stretched canvas 
Matt varnish.

"The little Rebel" 2020

40 cm x 40 cm x 2 cm
Material: Acrylics, collage and mixed media on stretched canvas 
Matt varnish
White wood frame included.

410 €

Himmel & Erde 01" 2019

35 cm x 35 cm x 2 cm
Material: Acrylics, collage, plaster, pencil and
mixed media on stretched canvas
Matt varnish

White wood frame in the price included.


"Himmel & Erde 02" 2019

35 cm x 35 cm x 2 cm
Material: Acrylics, collage, plaster, pencil and 
mixed media on stretched canvas
Matt varnish

White wood frame included.


"Zwischen Himmel & Erde 04" 2019

Framesize: 31 x 39 cm
Floating on passepartout with no glass
Material: Acrylics on canvas board.

210 €