"The emperor's new suit 01" 2021

100 cm x 160 cm x 2 cm
Inspired by the original fairytale (titel) written by the famous danisch writer, 
poet and paperartist H. C. Andersen. This is the first painting in this series.

Material: Mixed media, Collage and acrylics on stretched canvas
Semi matt varnish

Preis: 3.200 € inkl. MwSt.
Price: 3.200 € incl. vat.

100 cm x 160 cm x 2 cm
Inspired by the original fairytale (titel) written by the famous danisch writer, 
poet and paperartist H. C. Andersen. This is the first painting in this series.

Material: Mixed media, Collage and acrylics on stretched canvas
Semi matt varnish.

It's also possible to hang it horizontal

160 cm x 100 cm x 2 cm
Inspired by the original fairytale (titel) written by the famous danisch writer, 
poet and paperartist H. C. Andersen. This is first painting of six in this series.

Material: Mixed media, Collage and acrylics on stretched canvas
Semi matt varnish.

It's also possible to hang it horizontal

160 cm x 100 cm x 2 cm
Inspired by the original fairytale (titel) written by the famous danisch writer, 
poet and paperartist H. C. Andersen. This is second painting of six in this series.

Material: Mixed media, Collage and acrylics on stretched canvas
Semi matt varnish.

A detailed close up

100 cm x 160 cm x 2 cm
Inspired by the original fairytale (titel) written by the famous danisch writer, 
poet and paperartist H. C. Andersen. This is one painting of six so far.

Material: Mixed media, Collage and acrylics on stretched canvas
Semi matt varnish.

A detailed close up

100 cm x 160 cm x 2 cm
Inspired by the original fairytale (titel) written by the famous danisch writer, 
poet and paperartist H. C. Andersen. This is one painting of six so far.

Material: Mixed media, Collage and acrylics on stretched canvas
Semi matt varnish.

"The emperor's new suit 02" 2021

100 cm x 160 cm x 2 cm
Inspired by the original fairytale (titel) written by the famous danisch writer,
poet and paperartist H. C. Andersen. This is the first painting in this series.

Material: Mixed media, Collage and acrylics on stretched canvas
Semi matt varnish

Preis: 3.200 € inkl. MwSt.
Price: 3.200 € incl. vat.

100 cm x 160 cm x 2 cm
Inspired by the original fairytale (titel) written by the famous danisch writer, 
poet and paperartist H. C. Andersen. The second painting in this series.

Material: Mixed media, Collage, gold leaves and acrylics on stretched canvas
Semi matt varnish.

It's also possible to hang it horizontal

160 cm x 100 cm x 2 cm
Inspired by the original fairytale (titel) written by the famous danisch writer, 
poet and paperartist H. C. Andersen. This is second painting of six in this series.

Material: Mixed media, Collage and acrylics on stretched canvas
Semi matt varnish.

160 cm x 100 cm x 2 cm
Inspired by the original fairytale (titel) written by the famous danisch writer, 
poet and paperartist H. C. Andersen. This is second painting of six in this series.

Material: Mixed media, Collage, gold leaves and acrylics on stretched canvas
Semi matt varnish.

Purchase with PayPal possible
Further informations at the buttom of this page.

"The emperor's new suit 03" 2021

Ein paar Worte über dieses Werk

Aus der Ferne fangen Sie eine gewisse Ruhe und gleichzeitig eine gewisse Dynamik in diesem Werk ein. Man muss wirklich nah herangehen, um all die gemischten Mediendetails zu entdecken, vor allem die versteckten. Jedes von ihnen erzählt seine eigene Geschichte und macht dieses Werk irgendwie offen, frei und gleichzeitig so lebendig und lebhaft.

Bei der Arbeit an diesem Bild habe ich so viele Details geschaffen, die ich so sehr geliebt habe. Die große Herausforderung bestand darin, zu entscheiden, welche ich beibehalten und welche ich abdecken sollte, um dem Ganzen den nötigen Ausdruck zu verleihen, ohne dabei die Tiefe und den Fluss zu verlieren.

Es ist eine Interpretation von H.C. Andersens Märchen "Die neue Kleider des Kaisers".
Am Ende des Märchens, bei der Parade, erzählt der kleine Junge allen, dass der Kaiser gar keine Kleider an hat - mein Gemälde zeigt die Reaktion der Leute auf der Straße und wie die Illusion des enttäuschten, getäuschten Kaisers schließlich zerbricht.

Das Gemälde kann horizontal und vertikal aufgehängt werden. 

Words about this artwork

From afar you capture a certain quietness and at the same time a certain dynamic in this work. You really have to get close to discover all the mixed media details, especially the hidden ones. Every one of them tell their own story within and make this piece kind of open, free and at the same time so vibrant and lively.
When I was working on this one I created so many detail parts wich I loved so much. The big challenge was, to decide which ones do I keep and wich ones should be covered up to give it the needed expression that I wanted it to have, without losing the depth and the flow.

It’s an interpretation of H.C. Andersen’s fairytale “The emperor’s new suit”.
At the final part in the story at the parade the little boy tells everybody that the emperor has no clothes on at all - my painting shows you the reaction of the people in the street and how the illusion of the devastated fooled emperor finally falls apart.

The painting can be hanged horizontal and vertical. 

100 cm x 160 cm x 2 cm
Inspired by the original fairytale (titel) written by the famous danisch writer,
poet and paperartist H. C. Andersen. The second painting in this series.

Material: Mixed media, Collage and acrylics on stretched canvas
Semi matt varnish.

Preis: 3.200 € inkl. MwSt.
Price: 3.200 € incl. vat.

100 cm x 160 cm x 2 cm
Inspired by the original fairytale (titel) written by the famous danisch writer, 
poet and paperartist H. C. Andersen. The second painting in this series.

Material: Mixed media, Collage, gold leaves and acrylics on stretched canvas
Semi matt varnish.

Ein paar Worte über dieses Werk

Aus der Ferne fangen Sie eine gewisse Ruhe und gleichzeitig eine gewisse Dynamik in diesem Werk ein. Man muss wirklich nah herangehen, um all die gemischten Mediendetails zu entdecken, vor allem die versteckten. Jedes von ihnen erzählt seine eigene Geschichte und macht dieses Werk irgendwie offen, frei und gleichzeitig so lebendig und lebhaft.
Bei der Arbeit an diesem Bild habe ich so viele Details geschaffen, die ich so sehr geliebt habe. Die große Herausforderung bestand darin, zu entscheiden, welche ich beibehalten und welche ich abdecken sollte, um dem Ganzen den nötigen Ausdruck zu verleihen, ohne dabei die Tiefe und den Fluss zu verlieren.

Es ist eine Interpretation von H.C. Andersens Märchen "Die neue Kleider des Kaisers".
Am Ende des Märchens, bei der Parade, erzählt der kleine Junge allen, dass der Kaiser gar keine Kleider an hat - mein Gemälde zeigt die Reaktion der Leute auf der Straße und wie die Illusion des enttäuschten, getäuschten Kaisers schließlich zerbricht.

Das Gemälde kann horizontal und vertikal aufgehängt werden. 

Words about this artwork

From afar you capture a certain quietness and at the same time a certain dynamic in this work. You really have to get close to discover all the mixed media details, especially the hidden ones. Every one of them tell their own story within and make this piece kind of open, free and at the same time so vibrant and lively.
When I was working on this one I created so many detail parts wich I loved so much. The big challenge was, to decide which ones do I keep and wich ones should be covered up to give it the needed expression that I wanted it to have, without losing the depth and the flow.

It’s an interpretation of H.C. Andersen’s fairytale “The emperor’s new suit”.
At the final part in the story at the parade the little boy tells everybody that the emperor has no clothes on at all - my painting shows you the reaction of the people in the street and how the illusion of the devastated fooled emperor finally falls apart.

The painting can be hanged horizontal and vertical.

100 cm x 160 cm x 2 cm
Inspired by the original fairytale (titel) written by the famous danisch writer, 
poet and paperartist H. C. Andersen. The second painting in this series.

Material: Mixed media, Collage and acrylics on stretched canvas
Semi matt varnish.

"The emperor's new suit 04" 
or "Longing for lightness 01"  2021

40 cm x 60 cm incl. passepartout / No frame
Inspired by the original fairytale (titel) written by the famous danisch writer, poet and paperartist H. C. Andersen.

Material: Acrylics, collage and pastels on Fabriano paper
Matt varnish.

"The emperor's new suit 05" 
or "Longing for lightness 02"  2021

40 cm x 60 cm incl. passepartout / No frame
Inspired by the original fairytale (titel) written by the famous danisch writer, poet and paperartist H. C. Andersen.

Material: Acrylics, collage and pastels on Fabriano paper 
Matt varnish

"The emperor's new suit 06" 
or "Longing for lightness 02"  2021

40 cm x 60 cm incl. passepartout / No frame
Inspired by the original fairytale (titel) written by the famous danisch writer, poet and paperartist H. C. Andersen.

Material: Acrylics, collage and pastels on Fabriano paper 
Matt varnish

"The emperor's new suit 07" 
or "Longing for lightness 04"  2021

40 cm x 60 cm incl. passepartout / No frame
Inspired by the original fairytale (titel) written by the famous danisch writer, poet and paperartist H. C. Andersen.

Material: Acrylics, collage and pastels on Fabriano paper 
Matt varnish.